lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011


Analyse the intonation patterns of these dialogues according to discourse function.

DIALOGUE A (Brazil, 1998: 59)

a. Listen to this dialogue and mark intonation patterns.

b. Analyse the intonation patterns according to discourse function.

c. Practise the dialogue with a partner.

(Two friends are talking about the meetings at a Philosophical Society that speaker A has joined a long time ago)

A: The meetings are pretty good usually.

B: Perhaps I should come along some time.

A: Well, tonight’s speaker is Agnes Thomson.

B: I seem to have heard of her. Is she British?

A: I think so. But she got her master’s and her doctorate in the States.

B: What does she talk about?

A: Well, she made her name with some work she did on Wittgenstein.

DIALOGUE B (Brazil, 1998: 71)

a. Listen to this dialogue and mark intonation patterns.

b. Analyse the intonation patterns according to discourse function.

c. Practise the dialogue with a partner.

(Speaker A: receptionist in a company. Speaker B: caller.)

A: Jonson and Jonson Limited. Good morning. Can I help you?

B: Good morning. Do you have a Mr Robertson there, please?

A: We do have a Mr Robertson, yes.

B: Could I have a word with him?

A: Who is it calling please?

B: The name’s Jordan. I’m from John Davies and Co.

A: Oh, yes. One moment Mr Jordan. I’ll see if he’s in.

Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English . Unit 6- 6.11 by sebmer21


a. Analyse the intonation patterns according to discourse function.

b. Practise the dialogue with a partner.

(Lisa and John are a married couple who are talking about a friend. She has just had a conversation with that friend on the phone. Now she is washing the dishes while John is reading the newspaper)

Lisa: // THAT was SaMANtha // on the PHONE// ↘↗ HOnestly // i don't KNOW how she DOES it //

John: // saMANtha // WHAT'S she DONE now//

Lisa:// NOthing // REALly / / THAT's what's aMAzing // but SOMEbody // has SENT her// // a DOzen ROses //

John: // a DOzen WHAT//

Lisa: // a DOzen ROses //

John: II ↘↗ROses // and at THIS time YEAR //

Lisa: // YES// and a DOzen roses // he must be KEEN //

John:// is it her BIRTHday or something //

Lisa: // ↘↗ NO // ↘↗and WHAT's MORE // they were RED roses//

John: // ↘↗NOW // a dozen RED roses// you KNOW what that MEANS//

Lisa:// YES// I KNOW // WHAT you are going to SAY//

John: // ↘↗ MEANS // he's NOT just KEEN // he's in LOVE with her //


a. Analyse the intonation patterns according to discourse function.

b. Practise the dialogue with a partner.

(Lisa and Tony are close friend. They meet by chance in the street. Lisa is curious about Tony´s job interview.)

1. // ↘↗ helLO tony // ↘↗ DID you go for your INterview yesterday //

2. // HI lisa //YES. // i DID //

3. // HOW did it GO //

4. // ALL RIGHT // ↘↗i THINK //

5. //↘↗ALL RIGHT // ↘↗you DON'T sound very SURE //

6. // i MEAN // ↘↗ i MAnaged to answer all the QUEStions //↘↗ and i THIN'K i said the right THINGS // but i DON´T think // i wore the right CLOTHES // .

7. // WELL // ↘↗there's NO point WORRying about it // ↘↗ what's DONE // is DONE //

8.// YES lisa // i KNOW // ↘↗There's Nothing i can DO about it // of COURSE //↘↗ i CAN'T CHANGE anything // but i CAN'T help THINKing about it //

9.// i'm SURE. // ↘↗you needn't WORRY // what DID you wear // ANY way //

10.// i HAD to put my JEANS on //

11.// ↘↗your JEANS // OH i SEE //

12// ↘↗ but I wore a TIE //

13.// ↘↗ NEver MIND // ↘↗ you SAID the right things // ANYway //... // but TOny // surely you REAlised// everybody would be wearing SUITS // a job like THAT // SUCH a good SAlary // with SO much responsibility // you OUGHT to have known BETTer than to wear jeans//

14.// don't reMIND me // ↘↗ i KNOW it was STUpid //

15.// well WHAT was the PROblem // i KNOW // ↘↗ you've GOT a suit //.

16. // oh YES // ↘↗ i've GOT one // it was at the CLEANer's //

17. // it was WHERE //

18. // at the CLEANer's // it still IS //

19. // you're HOPEless // here you ARE // with the CHANCE of a LIFEtime // to get exACtly the job you WANT // you have ALL the right qualifiCAtions // a LOT of exPErience // NO family TIES // ↘↗ and when the DAY of the interview aRRlVES // ↘↗ YOU'RE in the INterview room// and your SUITS at the CLEANer's//

20. // i KNOW // i KNOW//

21. //↘WELL // ↘WHAT HAppened // did you forGET to GO for it // lose your TICKET // ↘or WHAT //

22. // NO // ↘↗ but i ASKED saMANtha // to pick it UP for me // ↘ and they GAVE her the WRONG one // ↘↗ by the time i got BACK to the SHOP // ↘it was CLOSED //

This is the set of files (Dialogues C and D)

Bradford's selection by sebmer21

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