viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Work 3

Hello again!
We just wanted to show you extract "B" you listened to during Work 3. It was taken from Brazil's book (2.9).
Here's the file:
Track 2.9 by Sebastian A Mercado

and the transcript

// well you’ll HAVE to go BACK // GO down college LANE// PAST the TECHnical college // BACK to the CROSSroads // GO straight Over // THERE // Over the CROSSroads // WHERE you’ve COME from // THEN turn LEFT // into willow ROAD // that’s conTINuing // along the ROAD you were on beFORE // and GO on // DOWN THERE // unTIL you COME // to a BIG ROUNdabout // take the SEcond // EXit // and you’ll be in a LONG straight ROAD // go RIGHT to the END // and THEN turn LEFT // and THAT will TAKE you // to the MIni ROUNdabout // you’re LOOking for // ON park ROAD //

Have a nice weekend!!

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